Wicked Anime

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Welcome To Wicked Anime:

Welcome my name is MaSucree and this is my little corner of the net devoted to anime. This site is an extension of the site wickedpair. It's just to stiffle my need for anime. Some of the main animes are Inu Yasha, DNAngel, X1999. Hopefully once I get going I will have information on new animes and such. So read on and enjoy.

More information about Anime

Updates will include Anime Gallery, what is anime and specific anime information pages. Possibly there will even be a fanfiction review page (in which I will also explain what fanfiction is)

Hopefully soon things will begin to roll and I can get the gallery pages up because we all know thats what the people want.

Anime in New Zealand

If you ask most people in New Zealand (a small country SouthEast of Australia) what anime they will look at you strange and ask what f*** your talking about. Then when you mention DragonBallZ, YuGiOh or Bayblades they sort of click to what it is. "aww that chinese cartoon stuff" then you have to explain that it is exactly Japansese and then it gets harder. Alright though lets get the ball rolling.

Finally in game stores in NewZealand they are selling more anime, not just DragonBallZ. You are now able to get even Inu Yasha which is bloody awesome. I am a major Inu Yasha fan if you can not tell. This means that I now able to be supplied with anime and torture my friends with it Bwa ha ha ha ha ha. So if you live in new Zealand and want to get into anime pop on to your nearest Gamesman and have a look.



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